Getting your smile back has never felt any better. Not only do you think different, you’re also now able to present yourself to others with confidence. Now that you underwent a dental bridge procedure, you may expect to eat and chew without any issues. However, you need to alter your dental care routine to ensure that your tooth bridge lasts. To help you maintain your dental prosthetics, here are a few gentle reminders.
Aftercare tips for a dental bridge procedure
Choose the right diet.
Although patients with a porcelain dental bridge are free to eat foods unrestricted, it’s still best to follow a diet. Following a recommended diet reduces the damage inflicted to the bridge. Bear in mind that dental bridges won’t be as strong as your natural teeth. That’s why it’s essential that you shouldn’t treat them as such. You shouldn’t use your dental bridge forcefully while chewing. You may want to avoid solid foods such as nuts and hard candies to prevent any damage. In the meantime, it’s highly encouraged to eat a healthy diet rich in fiber than meat.
Maintain an ideal oral hygiene.
You should also practice good oral hygiene to prevent any bacterial infection. You need to brush your teeth twice a day to help maintain a dentist-cleaning feeling in your mouth. Also, you need to floss under your porcelain dental bridge daily together with those hard-to-reach places in your mouth. It’s advisable that you rinse with an antibacterial mouthwash to kill any harmful bacteria that may thrive in your mouth and gums.
Prepare for temporary tooth sensitivity and discomfort.
It’s normal for patients to experience tooth sensitivity a few days after the dentist places their dental bridge. Patients affected by it should use a toothpaste that’s specially designed for sensitive teeth. The sensation should typically wear off after several days.
It may also take some time for patients to feel comfortable with their new front teeth bridges. Even though it’s quite reasonable, it’s still essential to monitor your new dental prosthetics until such time that you already feel comfortable with it. If your bite continues to feel odd several days post-surgery, see your dentist right away so he can make the adjustments. It’s crucial to ensure that it fits like a glove so that it won’t affect the tooth of the opposite jaw. An ill-fitting bridge may jeopardize the patient’s bite, which can cause a few more dental problems in the future.
Have a professional dental cleaning.
It’s crucial to visit a dentist who specializes in treatments related to the dental bridge in Mississauga, Ontario. There are times when germs and plaque buildup may still occur no matter how many times you brush your teeth. At times like these, it’s best to have an expert perform oral prophylaxis to clean your teeth as well as your gums properly. Also, always have a regular dental check-up with your dentist for him to assess your oral health after wearing a tooth bridge. Having a routinary oral checkup reduces any chance of acquiring gingivitis or even periodontitis.
Tooth decay is one of the biggest hurdles that put your dental prosthetic at risk and may lead to a dental bridge failure. However, you can easily extend the wear of your porcelain dental bridge for a decade or even more with proper care. It’s vital to keep your natural and false teeth in check to ensure their health. Prevent any decay to set in as it may cause the natural teeth on either side of the false teeth to weaken. See your dentist regularly and seek for professional help in maintaining your bridges.