How To Prevent Tooth Decay In Mississauga?

Tooth decay damages the structure, enamel, and dentin layer of the teeth. Patients consult dentists on various ways on how to prevent tooth decay. Tooth decay begins when food composed of high amounts of carbohydrates and sugar lodge in between the teeth. When patients fail to brush and floss their teeth, bacteria in their mouth […]

Tooth Abscess 101: Everything You Need to Know

Tooth abscesses are oral health conditions that require prompt treatment. Over time, if not treated, an abscess will not improve. You must see your emergency dentist immediately. Otherwise, the infection will worsen and spread to other body parts (sepsis). Are you having a dental emergency? Don’t panic. Contact Bristol Dental Clinic at 866-673-2109. What is […]

7 Oral Hygiene Practices You Do That Leads To Tooth Extraction

Give yourself a pat on the back for finally deciding this year to be serious with your oral health. You should know that your overall health depends on how well you take care of your entire body. If you ignore your teeth and gums, this soon will lead to tooth extraction and worse health conditions. […]

Can You Protect Your Teeth With Tooth Bonding?

Tooth bonding pertains to the dentist applying a composite resin to fix a tooth. The tooth that needs fixing succumbed to tooth decay, cracks, and fractures. Other patients who undergo this procedure endure teeth discoloration. The procedure for bonding takes only a single appointment in a dental office in Mississauga. Bonding requires no custom-made mold […]

What Kinds of Dental Restorations Can Be Tooth Colored?

Image © Matt Madd/Dentist   For decades, a major problem with receiving a dental restoration has been that it looks anything but natural. This is because restorations have tended to be made of metal. This is no longer an issue, thanks to recent developments in dentistry. You can now receive a number of tooth colored […]

Common Reasons for Tooth Extractions

Improvements in dental care and oral hygiene practices have meant that fewer people are losing their teeth. However, there are still situations where a tooth extraction Mississauga is the best option.   Trauma A strike to the head or mouth during sports, an accident, or a fall can damage a tooth severely. Although your dentist […]

Tooth Extractions

Tooth Extractions Although we always try to save teeth whenever possible, sometimes tooth extractions are your only option. Examples include when a tooth is severely damaged due to decay or impact, in the case of overcrowding, infection, or periodontal disease, and when a tooth is impacted, which is common with wisdom teeth. Tooth Extraction Procedure [...]

Dental Care For Expectant Mothers: Oral Care Before, During, and After Pregnancy

It’s vital to take care of your teeth at every stage of your life, including before, during, and after pregnancy. Your body changes a lot in pregnancy—and some of these changes affect your oral health. Consequently, it’s crucial that you continue to look after your teeth and gums during this exciting chapter. Stick to your […]